Has been awhile since my last post, but 2 things that have come up since then are trips to Walt Disney World and my Pebble smartwatch (Pebble Time coming soon…). In preparation for an upcoming trip I needed a way to use both.
Has been awhile since my last post, but 2 things that have come up since then are trips to Walt Disney World and my Pebble smartwatch (Pebble Time coming soon…). In preparation for an upcoming trip I needed a way to use both.
Included below are a few links and news items I either remembered happened this month or left some sort of lasting impression on me.
Kickstarter has been catching my attention a lot over the last couple months, but April really saw an explosion of activity for things I am interested in.
PAX – Was able to successfully buy tickets despite server issues. I would strongly recommend purchasing tickets if you are in the Seattle area or want to go there when the servers go live again. Have been in years past and it is always awesome.
DrawSomething has been an app that has taken up far too much of my spare time. Like any new game it was really not surprising to see Zynga purchase it. Makes for a nice way to break-up the usual Angry Birds/Words with Friends routine.
And that is all I can remember for the end of this month (heavy gaming focus it seems). Stay thirsty my friends.